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Life Changing Lessons from the India Australia Series (Pun Intended)

We won...! We won...! We won...!  For kids like me who grew up in the 90s the thought of India beating Australia in Australia was as inconceivable as dating a Ms. World or a Ms. Universe (but yours truly did think of... ahem! ahem! let's not go there). Yeah, stars have to be seriously aligned for a victory such as this to happen and stars were indeed aligned when Warner, Cameron and Steve were all sent off on a vacation for playing around with a certain  tape . That vacation helped the Indian Team succeed in their triennial vocation. Mantra for Steve / Warner / Cameron : If you use tape your team will scrape . The above mantra was just the beginning, I set out on a journey where I personally uncovered several such lessons while watching this coma inducing, patience numbing, sometimes nerve wracking but ultimately gratifying series. Let's take a look at all the lessons I've grasped one by one: Players with rock solid and dependable techniques don't get IPL contracts

Ordinary People Quote

Yours Inspiringly, J.J. Chaitanya

A look back at 12 Angry Men (1957)

There's absolutely nothing I can say about Sidney Lumet's ' 12 Angry Men ' which hasn't already been said before but I must try, considering the fact that 60 years after its release this movie is now more relevant than ever. We live in an era where terms like ' classic ' and ' masterpiece ' are often used loosely, '12 Angry Men' is the very definition of a cinematic classic and a bona fide masterpiece. So let's not wait any further to review this classic movie. Plot: 12 jurors from different economic backgrounds and different strata of the society are assigned the complex task of deciding the culpability of a teenage boy who has been accused of murdering his father. The juvenile defendant has a history of run-ins with the law and shares a troubled history with his abusive father. If the jurors return an unanimous verdict of guilty the defendant would be hanged, if the jurors decide there is reasonable doubt with the prosecution'

Key to Happiness Quote

Until Next Time, Yours Inspiringly, J.J. Chaitanya

Essence of Life Quote - 2

Stay Inspired, Your Observer of Life, J.J. Chaitanya

Essence of Life Quote

Keep Searching! Your Observer of Life, J.J. Chaitanya

A walk in The Don River Valley Park

October is the last month of the year (in the northern hemisphere) which offers some sort of a sunny respite before the cold and chill of the winter reign supreme. On one such warm fall evening I decided to shun the walls of the gym and celebrate the last vestiges of sunshine this year with a brisk walk in The   Don River Valley Park . Now don't let the term ' park ' fool you, coz Don Valley park is no less than an urban forest nestled within the confines of a metropolis. Most parks afford the luxury of circling back to the point of entry but then Don Valley is not your usual park. This woody incarnation straight from a Wordsworth's poem flows like an unending river allowing no way to get back to where you started from, unless you are careful enough to retrace your steps. With several natural and manmade trails this park is a hiker's paradise and a cyclist's delight. After a long day's work I needed a workout but didn't want to get lost in